Bossy Lobster

A blog by Danny Hermes; musing on tech, mathematics, etc.

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The Node.js CA Footgun

Door to Nowhere

This is a story of a brief outage caused by a slightly unintuitive API1 that has some very sharp corners for the uninitiated. The outage, though brief, was of the "wake up at 4am" variety so the lesson was especially salient.

This is not a post trying to tear down the Node.js authors or cast blame. The Node.js runtime and standard library are incredible force multipliers that help teams ship code quickly. This particular story is about a codebase misusing the connection options offered by the tls package in the Node.js standard library. This usage was based on an "obvious" interpretation of one option name and an expectation that another option would behave similarly to how it works in other technology stacks. These options are very well documented, but one option could really benefit from being renamed and the other could benefit from a small change in behavior. However, for a programming language runtime with such a large userbase it's essentially impossible to rename options or change behavior in a core package once released.


The Good

This outage motivated me to try to address the biggest issue in this outage: the ca TLS option wipes away the default root trust store. I wrote Fixing the Custom CA Problem in Node.js to showcase how ca is currently broken and to demonstrate how my ca-append package tries to patch the brokenness.

The Bad

Here I want to lay out the sharpest corner: the ca TLS option in Node.js (I mentioned two connection options in this story, but the second one — cert — was a less significant contributor to the outage).

When applications securely connect over TLS, they always2 verify that the server's X.509 certificate has been signed by a trusted certificate authority (CA). Most language runtimes — including Node.js — have a default root trust store of well-known CAs.

However, some applications need to connect to private or internal servers that have X.509 certificates signed by a CA outside of the default root trust store. For example, during local development we may want to run a server over TLS on localhost. Or, some third parties may have a private CA that they use to sign certificates for internal APIs.

In these situations it's crucial to be able to modify the default root trust store and Node.js provides a ca TLS connection option3 for doing just that. The problem with the ca option is that it completely replaces the existing trust store (rather than appending to it):

Optionally override the trusted CA certificates. Default is to trust the well-known CAs curated by Mozilla. Mozilla's CAs are completely replaced when CAs are explicitly specified using this option.

This means that we can no longer hit public servers over TLS if the ca option is used. For example, we'd expect to be able to communicate with but unless the CA that signed the Google public certificate is present in our ca input, the connection will fail.

The Ugly

We'll start with the outage here and then work our way backwards to understand how the code and configuration got in a brittle and then broken state. To tell the story of the outage, I'll introduce a fictional API and private CA, but keep the core ideas intact. The API uses mutual TLS (mTLS) to authenticate requests, so the the characters in the story are as follows:

  • Server: https://api.acme.invalid
  • Server Root CA: DigiCert4
  • Client Root CA: Acme Corp Legitimate Root CA

Both the server and client public certificate were signed by intermediates5 as well:

Root           CN: DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA
  Intermediate CN: DigiCert SHA2 Extended Validation Server CA
    Leaf       CN: api.acme.invalid

Root           CN: Acme Corp Legitimate Root CA
  Intermediate CN: Acme Corp Production Intermediate CA
    Leaf       CN: 3975092b-4484-4b36-9f22-f84d4dd1e95a

In order to sign mTLS requests as the client, the TLS connection was configured with a public certificate, a private key and a pair of relevant CAs6:

const options: tls.SecureContextOptions = {
  key: fs.readFileSync(`${CONFIGURATION_DIR}/client-key.pem`),
  cert: fs.readFileSync(`${CONFIGURATION_DIR}/client-cert.pem`),
  ca: [

Unfortunately, the api.acme.invalid certificate expired 23 months after the code using this configuration was written and deployed. This is a textbook case of "it works today, ship it" gone wrong. The service and API integration worked perfectly fine for 22 months. Then, when Acme rotated the server certificate, everything fell apart.

From Acme's perspective, nothing had changed about the api.acme.invalid server because the new certificate was from DigiCert as well. As a result, no communications or warnings were sent out to the API clients when the certificate was rotated. However, DigiCert has multiple roots and the new certificate was issued by a different CA certificate:

Root           CN: DigiCert Global Root CA
  Intermediate CN: DigiCert TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1
    Leaf       CN: api.acme.invalid

Now the addition of DigiCertHighAssuranceEVRootCA.crt.pem to the ca override provides no help. After the server certificate was rotated, a SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN error immediately started to occur on every request to the Acme API7. Worse still, the on-call engineer at the time had insufficient context on the original implementation and had never seen this self-signed certificate error before. Combined with the fact that Acme had not sent out change notifications, the code had not changed and the service had not been redeployed recently, this sudden outage was confounding.

Once the on-call engineer pulled in another team more familiar with TLS, the error was clear but the source of the configuration was not. Eventually, the ca override was found collaboratively and the API integration was fixed by adding DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt.pem to the ca bundle override.

Why Override ca at All?

In sensitive or zero trust environments, it's common to use mutual TLS (mTLS). Often in this scenario, an API provider will run a private CA and will use it to sign CSRs for client certificates. When working with Acme Corp to get a valid client certificate, the team generated a private key file client-key.pem and sent off a CSR. Acme Corp gladly signed the CSR and sent back the file client-chain.pem. This chain file contained both the public certificate 3975092b-4484-4b36-9f22-f84d4dd1e95a and the Acme Corp Production Intermediate CA certificate.

The name of the cert option is what caused confusion and triggered the brittle outage-inducing configuration. After a literal reading of the names cert and ca in the TLS options, the team decided to split the up client-chain.pem into two files:

const options: tls.SecureContextOptions = {
  key: fs.readFileSync(`${CONFIGURATION_DIR}/client-key.pem`),
  cert: fs.readFileSync(`${CONFIGURATION_DIR}/client-cert.pem`),
  ca: [fs.readFileSync(`${CONFIGURATION_DIR}/client-intermediate.pem`)],

However, attempting to using this configuration during development failed (as expected): SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN8. This error is caused by the ca issue discussed above: the root DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA was no longer trusted in the connection because all of the default public root CAs have been replaced. In order to solve this connection issue, the team downloaded DigiCertHighAssuranceEVRootCA.crt.pem and added it to the ca override.

Could This Have Been Avoided?

If the team had used client-chain.pem directly, there would have been no need to override the ca in the connection:

const options: tls.SecureContextOptions = {
  key: fs.readFileSync(`${CONFIGURATION_DIR}/client-key.pem`),
  cert: fs.readFileSync(`${CONFIGURATION_DIR}/client-chain.pem`),

If only the leaf certificate9 is used in the cert option, many servers will fail an mTLS request with UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE or a similar error. This is because the client party must present the leaf certificate and any intermediates along the chain up to the root CA. The documentation for cert makes this clear

Cert chains in PEM format ... Each cert chain should consist of the PEM formatted certificate for a provided private key, followed by the PEM formatted intermediate certificates (if any), in order, and not including the root CA (the root CA must be pre-known to the peer, see ca).

Renaming the option from cert to chain in the tls package would be much clearer. But the Node.js runtime and the standard library tls package have wide usage and such a rename is likely impossible to pull off.

Once the intermediate CA is removed from the file used in cert, Node.js can't hope to present the intermediate CA certificate during an mTLS handshake. However, if the intermediate CA certificate is added via ca, Node.js can find it in the root trust store and then present it to the server as the issuer of the leaf.

Is the Server Certificate Rotation to Blame?


By design, X.509 certificates issued by public CAs expire often because they have short lifetimes (typically ninety days to two years). Shorter lifetimes require certificate and key rotations. Rotations help limit the impact of key compromise and help make sure the public internet "upgrades" key strength as technology improves.


This is a textbook case of "it works today, ship it" gone wrong.

The connection option misuse described here was exacerbated by service operators lacking familiarity with the class of errors typical when TLS connections fail. But TLS is squarely one of those "here be dragons" topics for most engineering teams (including information security teams). The takeaways from this outage are not cut and dry:

  • It's unreasonable for every type of engineering team to have deep knowledge in this part of the stack, on-call service operators should quickly loop in teams or people that do have that knowledge during an outage
  • Teams that don't have deep knowledge of a given technology (e.g. TLS), should try to avoid "deep" customization when using it or try to share the burden of the complexity e.g. by using an auxiliary service provided by another team
  • Writing "tests" for things that work today but might break in the future is very hard. "Modern" software tooling is very good, but there are many kinds of assumptions that are just not possible to encode in unit tests or acceptance tests in today's landscape

  1. Like a door to nowhere.
  2. Almost always. But they should always verify.
  3. Node.js also supports a NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS environment variable for the custom CA use case. However, NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS is a "catch-all" that applies to every connection, which can be a problem in multi-tenant applications.
  4. DigiCert is one of the most reputable Certificate Authorities, if not the most reputable.
  5. As opposed to being directly signed by the root CA.
  6. The astute observer may notice one CA is an intermediate and the other is a root. This is not a typo, but is also not something that is particularly correct. More on that later.
  7. This error indicates that the CA — DigiCert Global Root CA — is not trusted by the custom ca bundle override used by the application.
  8. The self-signed error occurs if a server presents a full chain, i.e. leaf, intermediate and root. However, it's more common for a server to only present a leaf and intermediate, in which case the equivalent Node.js error would be UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_CERT_LOCALLY.
  9. The alternative to only the leaf certificate is a chain file containing both the leaf certificate and the intermediate CA that signed it.
