Bossy Lobster

A blog by Danny Hermes; musing on tech, mathematics, etc.

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What Is a Milestone Migration and Why Do I Care?

Database Milestone


Over time an application becomes a living thing. When operating a running service, it's crucial to not only ask the question

Does the code being deployed work?

it's also crucial to ask

Can I safely deploy this change given the currently running version of my service?

This second question is even more crucial in deployment environments where rolling update deploys ensure the "old code" and the "new code" will need to safely run side-by-side during every deploy.

Running database migrations is a large part of this equation. For example, dropping a database column because the "new code" doesn't rely on it is not safe because "old code" still relies on it. In simple situations like that, it's crucial for operators to split the change into multiple stages:

  • Remove code that references the column
  • Deploy that code and ensure the deployed version is stable1
  • Add a migration to drop the column
  • Run the migration and deploy the code again

Making Migrations Safe for Rolling Updates

With the motivation above, it's clear that some migrations just cannot be run if it has been an extended period of time since the application was last deployed. In order to provide some color, let's walk through a concrete use case that must be done carefully to be safe in a rolling update deploy environment.

We have a users table and want to add a required (i.e. NOT NULL) column display_name:

golembic=> \d users
                         Table "public.users"
   Column   |          Type          | Collation | Nullable | Default
 id         | integer                |           | not null |
 email      | character varying(40)  |           |          |
 first_name | character varying(40)  |           | not null |
 last_name  | character varying(40)  |           | not null |
 city       | character varying(100) |           |          |
    "users_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "uq_users_email" UNIQUE, btree (email)

If we just add the column

  display_name TEXT NOT NULL;

then the currently running code will fail on any inserts (since by definition the code can't be inserting a display_name it never heard of):

golembic=> INSERT INTO
golembic->   users (id, email, first_name, last_name)
golembic-> VALUES
golembic->   (702188, '[email protected]', 'Danny', 'Hermes');
ERROR:  null value in column "display_name" of relation "users" violates not-null constraint
DETAIL:  Failing row contains (702188, [email protected], Danny, Hermes, null, null).

So we need to take a different approach. One way to add a required column in a way that is safe for rolling updates would be to split it into two migrations:

--- 986b93c5e494: Add the column, but allow it to be optional
  display_name TEXT;
--- f37715e564e5: Backfill data into the column, then make the column required
  display_name = first_name || ' ' || last_name
  display_name IS NULL;


The application code can be updated to also write to the (optional) display_name column and can be safely re-deployed after 986b93c5e494 runs. Once that deploy has stabilized, the application code can be updated to start to read and depend on the (required) display_name column and can be safely re-deployed after f37715e564e5 runs.

We call 986b93c5e494 a milestone migration because it is a special inflection point in the revision history of the application. The migration and the associated code must be deployed and stable before the next migration (f37715e564e5) can run. In general, if multiple migrations are introduced between two deploys, it's safe to apply all of them. However, a milestone can only be run if it's the last migration being applied in a sequence.


A milestone migration is in some sense a compromise. It mixes purely database specific changes (migrations) with a proxy for the application version. The proxy (is this milestone migration present in the codebase?) gives an idication of where in the revision history the application version is.

Milestone Migration Tooling

The golembic library directly provides support for marking a migration as a milestone. Continuing with the golembic examples, we can commit two separate changes to encode the migrations above:

Optional Column: 986b93c5e494

The first migration can specified as a milestone in examples/migrations.go:

    golembic.OptDescription("Add optional `users.display_name` column"),
    golembic.OptUpFromSQL("ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN display_name TEXT"),

Backfill and Require Column: f37715e564e5

Since the second migration requires (transactionally) running two migrations, we introduce a function:

const (
    backfillUsersDisplayName = `
  display_name = first_name || ' ' || last_name
  display_name IS NULL
    requireUsersDisplayName = `

func RequiredDisplayName(ctx context.Context, tx *sql.Tx) error {
    _, err := tx.ExecContext(ctx, backfillUsersDisplayName)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    _, err = tx.ExecContext(ctx, requireUsersDisplayName)
    return err

and then register this function in the migrations sequence:

    golembic.OptDescription("Backfill `users.display_name` column and make required"),

Guard Rails

If the next deploy targets the code after the second migration was merged, the migrations tooling will refuse to run any of the migrations and will cause a failure:

$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=describe
6 | 432f690fcbda | Create movies table
7 | 986b93c5e494 | Add optional `users.display_name` column [MILESTONE]
8 | f37715e564e5 | Backfill `users.display_name` column and make required
$ make run-postgres-cmd
If a migration sequence contains a milestone, it must be the last migration; revision 986b93c5e494 (1 / 2 migrations)
exit status 1
make: *** [run-postgres-cmd] Error 1

This indicates that the service operator should back the truck up and deploy an earlier version, i.e. one where only the first migration and the associated code changes are present:

$ make run-postgres-cmd GOLEMBIC_CMD=describe
6 | 432f690fcbda | Create movies table
7 | 986b93c5e494 | Add optional `users.display_name` column [MILESTONE]
$ make run-postgres-cmd
Applying 986b93c5e494: Add optional `users.display_name` column [MILESTONE]

After this milestone version stabilizes, the second migration can be run and the associated code changes can be deployed:

$ make run-postgres-cmd
Applying f37715e564e5: Backfill `users.display_name` column and make required

See The Case for a Metadata Table for Database Migrations for more context on how metadata tables for migrations work.

  1. What do we mean by letting a deployment stabilize? Two things primarily: (1) the rolling update has completed so that the old code isn't running and (2) some form of acceptance testing to ensure the application doesn't need to rollback to a previous version
