Bossy Lobster

A blog by Danny Hermes; musing on tech, mathematics, etc.

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How to Write GitHub Actions in Go

Go with GitHub Actions

I recently1 had the privilege of co-authoring a blog post on the Blend engineering blog with my esteemed colleague Thomas Taylor. I copied this content over mostly as-is from the original post but wanted to preserve it here as well.



Since the release of GitHub Actions in 2019, GitHub has been heavily investing in improvements to the CI / CD experience. As part of this investment, repeatable tasks can be provided as custom actions and shared externally with the community or internally within a GitHub Enterprise instance.

At Blend, we've benefited from adopting GitHub Actions. We have built tooling that enables writing an action in Go and automates the release process for actions within our GitHub Enterprise instance. Below, we'll share the set of unique challenges for running and releasing actions written in Go and outline our strategies for solving these problems.

Authoring an Action: Today's Landscape

GitHub has published lots of tutorials and many fundamental actions2 as examples. In order to let the community use the same tools, they have released the @actions/core package on npm.

An action is a GitHub repository with a root action.yml file and supporting files. For authors of an action, the most common choice is to write it in JavaScript and run the code natively on the actions runner during the workflow. If that isn't an option3, a Docker container action allows running a Docker image; the image can either be built directly from a Dockerfile or pulled from a public Docker registry.

The third option, a composite action, allows creating an action as a series of steps (very similar to how jobs work in a GitHub Actions workflow). This makes it possible to write lightweight actions—e.g. with shell scripts. A composite action can even reference other actions in those steps.

How We Release Actions in Go

To distribute our actions written in Go, we build static binaries from the source code and check them into the GitHub repository for the action.


For an action that needs to run on both 64-bit x86 and ARM machines running Linux or Windows, it would be enough to use six files:

$ tree
├── action.yml
├── invoke-binary.js
├── main-linux-amd64-e9d351bd367300ec85b9ba777812c42be2570a64
├── main-linux-arm64-e9d351bd367300ec85b9ba777812c42be2570a64
├── main-windows-amd64-e9d351bd367300ec85b9ba777812c42be2570a64
└── main-windows-arm64-e9d351bd367300ec85b9ba777812c42be2570a64

0 directories, 6 files

In order to invoke the correct static binary, we use a tiny JavaScript shim to determine the current operating system (GOOS) and platform / architecture (GOARCH). The shim dispatches the correct static binary as follows:

function chooseBinary() {
    // ...
    if (platform === 'linux' && arch === 'x64') {
        return `main-linux-amd64-${VERSION}`
    // ...

const binary = chooseBinary()
const mainScript = `${__dirname}/${binary}`
const spawnSyncReturns = childProcess.spawnSync(mainScript, { stdio: 'inherit' })

and in the action.yml we just "pretend to be JavaScript" to call out to our shim:

  using: node16
  main: invoke-binary.js


At Blend, we maintain all Go actions in our internal Go monorepo. We publish them into the actions organization within our GitHub Enterprise instance. When a Go action is updated, a post-merge step builds static binaries for the subset of architectures we need to support and pushes a commit directly to the respective actions/${ACTION} repository. For example, changes in the Go monorepo to code in project/github-actions/{cmd,pkg}/build-docker-image/ will result in a commit to the actions/build-docker-image repository.


Using this approach, an action written in Go runs immediately in the same way an action written in JavaScript does. We eliminate the need for any Go dependencies on the actions runner: GitHub only grabs our invoke-binary.js and static binaries. To make the retrieval fast, we go out of our way to shrink the static binaries and make a special "release" branch that contains a minimal set of files to run the action4.

Our approach of using prebuilt binaries is the same idea in spirit as the recommended approach for JavaScript actions. For JavaScript actions, it is recommended to use the ncc compiler to create a single index.js file. With this single file entrypoint, the action just executes that file without any other setup necessary. Since Go is a compiled language, there is no direct equivalent of the "I have some source code and an interpreter" Node.js approach, hence the need for including prebuilt binaries. Interestingly enough, the ncc project lists the Go compiler as one of its motivations, so there must be something there!

Just Go?

This approach can absolutely be used by programming language ecosystems other than Go. For example, with the Nuitka compiler for Python, standalone executables can be produced in the same way. For compiled languages like C++ or Rust, creating prebuilt binaries can be straightforward.

One unique advantage Go has in this arena is the default mode of creating statically linked binaries. This makes it much easier to just run on a new machine without needing5 to install or locate dependencies. Additionally, the Go compiler's ability to cross-compile binaries from a single development machine is incredibly useful for the distribution strategy we use here:

  go build \
  -ldflags="-s -w" \
  -o main-linux-arm64-e9d351bd367300ec85b9ba777812c42be2570a64 \

How We Write Actions in Go

Small Entrypoint Scripts

As a rule, we try to make cmd/${ACTION}/main.go scripts as short as possible so we can maximize the amount of code that can be tested6:

// FILE: cmd/hypothetical/main.go

package main

import (

    githubactions ""


func run() error {
    ctx := context.Background()
    action := githubactions.New()

    cfg, err := NewFromInputs(action)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return hypothetical.Run(ctx, cfg)

func main() {
    err := run()
    if err != nil {
        action.Fatalf("%v", err)

Separate Configuration Parsing

By loading all inputs and configuration at the outset, an action can be much easier to reason about: once parsed, a single configuration struct can be passed to the code implementing the business logic. For example:

// FILE: pkg/hypothetical/config.go

type Config struct {
    Role          string
    LeaseDuration time.Duration

func NewFromInputs(action *githubactions.Action) (*Config, error) {
    lease := action.GetInput("lease-duration")
    d, err := time.ParseDuration(lease)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    c := Config{
        Role:          action.GetInput("role"),
        LeaseDuration: d,
    return &c, nil

No Globals

The sethvargo/go-githubactions project provides an idiomatic Go package that is roughly equivalent to the @actions/core JavaScript package. We utilize it wherever we can, but try to follow some larger principles to write testable code.

When writing code that uses the githubactions package, a pointer action *githubactions.Action should be used rather than the global wrappers around the package defaultAction struct. For example:

role := action.GetInput("role")
// // Don't do this:
// role := githubactions.GetInput("role")

In order to test code involving GitHub Actions, it's critical to be able to both control environment variables (these are inputs) and to monitor writes to STDOUT. In order to do this in tests, both the STDOUT writer and the Getenv() provider can be replaced:

func TestNewFromInputs(t *testing.T) {
    // ...
    actionLog := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
    envMap := map[string]string{
        "INPUT_ROLE":           "user",
        "INPUT_LEASE-DURATION": "1h",
    getenv := func(key string) string {
        return envMap[key]
    action := githubactions.New(
    // ...
    it.Equal("...", actionLog.String())

Invoking Actions Locally

To sanity check an implementation, it can be quite useful to run an action locally instead of doing a pre-release and waiting on a fully triggered GitHub Actions workflow. To run an action locally, it's enough to run the Go script with the correct environment variables.

There are two types of environment variables needed. The first type are GITHUB_* environment variables that come with the workflow. The other type are inputs that are provided in inputs: to the action (i.e. the inputs from action.yml), which get transformed into INPUT_* environment variables by GitHub.

For example7:

env \
  'GITHUB_REPOSITORY=blend/repo-that-uses-an-action' \
  'INPUT_ROLE=user' \
  go run ./cmd/hypothetical/main.go

Why Not Docker?

Using prebuilt static binaries is not the only choice for writing an action. We explicitly considered using a Docker container action or a composite action but elected not to use either.

Using a Docker Action

The first obvious choice here would be to write a Dockerfile for the Go code and use a Docker container action. For example, the GitHub Actions tutorial at GopherCon 2021 recommended this approach as do the publishing instructions for the githubactions package. However, this experience is not as smooth as the JavaScript one.

With a Docker container action, the image reference can either be a Dockerfile or an image in a container registry. Referencing a Dockerfile directly incurs a large cost: every8 invocation of the action requires the image to be built. Pulling an image from a public container registry emulates the snappy "run it now" behavior of JavaScript actions. For images stored in a private container registry, this creates a new challenge. To use an action referencing a private image, users would need to first authenticate to a registry to pull an image that they didn't even know they were using:

- name: Login to ECR
  uses: docker/login-action@v1
    registry: ${{ env.AWS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER }}.dkr.ecr.${{ env.AWS_REGION }}
    username: ${{ secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}
    password: ${{ secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}

- name: Invoke Hypothetical
  uses: blend/hypothetical-action@main
    role: user
    lease-duration: 1h

For internal actions used within an engineering organization (e.g. within a GitHub Enterprise instance) it's very likely that most images will be in a private container registry.

Using a Composite Action

It is possible to avoid the overhead of Docker build and authentication by using a composite action. Starting from Go source code9, the only option is to compile and run that code. This means a composite action needs to ensure Go is installed on the actions runner. For example:

  using: composite
  - uses: actions/setup-go@v2
      go-version: '1.17.6'

  - run: go run ./main.go

However, this has the same problem as the approach of building a Dockerfile before running it: the default usage (no caching) involves a significant cost waiting for build before the action actually runs. What's more, running actions/setup-go on the actions runner may overwrite an existing version of Go installed by the workflow job actually invoking this action, causing invisible breakage in workflows using this action.


Using a tiny JavaScript shim, actions written in Go can be on equal footing with native JavaScript actions. As we discussed above, there are many benefits that come from this first-class native support—chiefly speed of invocation and simplicity of setup. Best of all, this allows us to bring all the benefits of Go when writing an action. For internal actions within an engineering organization, this allows us to reuse existing Go libraries within our actions. With GitHub Actions and Go, we can have our cake and eat it too.

Go; now with Cake!

  1. It was recent when I wrote this on February 7, 2022.
  2. For example, using actions/checkout to checkout code and actions/cache to cache dependencies to speed up CI runs.
  3. E.g. for teams that prefer something other than JavaScript.
  4. This means we don't need to include any Go source code (or go.mod, etc.) in our "release" branch. By the same token, we wouldn't want to check in compiled static binaries to our "development" branch.
  5. It's worth mentioning: cgo is not Go. Generating a static binary when using cgo is possible but much more challenging. Cross-compiling a static binary is even more challenging.
  6. Though it is possible to test code in package main, it is not common. This is particularly challenging for code paths that end with os.Exit().
  7. For action inputs in kebab-case, the corresponding environment variable will have a hyphen, e.g. INPUT_LEASE-DURATION. Using environment variable names with a hyphen requires a little bit of extra care in most shells, hence the usage of env INPUT_LEASE-DURATION=....
  8. It's certainly possible to use actions/cache to reuse a Docker build context across workflow runs, but it is not easy to get right. This puts an unnecessary burden on users of an action.
  9. "Starting from Go source code" as opposed to the other approach, i.e. just distributing prebuilt binaries.
