Bossy Lobster

A blog by Danny Hermes; musing on tech, mathematics, etc.

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Preventing PostgreSQL Deadlocks in Go

All About Locks

I've been writing a library for running PostgreSQL migrations in Go. One of the primary pieces of advice I keep coming across is

Beware of lock queues, use lock timeouts

In other words, each migration stage should happen instantaneously (or almost instantaneously). For real-time applications, if a migration runs "for a long time" it can potentially hold a lock that blocks every query in the application. This post is about the mechanics of setting a lock_timeout in PostgreSQL via the canonical driver. I'll dive into how it works, how it contrasts to equivalent connections via psql and we'll go through four different deadlock scenarios that timeout.



We'll be on a machine with Docker and Go installed. The Go packages and should be installed as well.

In order to run the examples, make sure a local postgres server is running1:

docker run \
  --detach \
  --hostname localhost \
  --publish 28007:5432 \
  --name dev-postgres-prevent-deadlock \
  --env POSTGRES_DB=superuser_db \
  --env POSTGRES_USER=superuser \
  --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=testpassword_superuser \

Intentional Contention

In order to introduce a deadlock, we borrow an example from When Postgres blocks: 7 tips for dealing with locks. In the first transaction we update "hello" rows followed by "world" rows

UPDATE might_deadlock SET counter = counter + 1 WHERE key = 'hello';
-- Sleep for 200ms
UPDATE might_deadlock SET counter = counter + 1 WHERE key = 'world';

and in the second transaction we update the rows in the opposite order

UPDATE might_deadlock SET counter = counter + 1 WHERE key = 'world';
-- Sleep for 200ms
UPDATE might_deadlock SET counter = counter + 1 WHERE key = 'hello';

Example Set Up

In order to trigger different failure modes, we allow two different configurable durations:

  • lock_timeout set directly in PostgreSQL (via LOCK_TIMEOUT environment variable)
  • Timeout / deadline on a Go context.Context (via CONTEXT_TIMEOUT environment variable)

Additionally, we fix a third duration — the amount of time to sleep between statements in each transaction — to 200 milliseconds. By allowing the lock and context timeouts to vary, we can see a failure manifest in (hopefully) an exhaustive set of scenarios.

Really we are concerned here with checking a few cases:

  • What does postgres do when a lock is held for lock_timeout seconds?
  • What does postgres do when a lock is held and a Go context is canceled?
  • What does postgres do when left on its own (i.e. no lock or context timeout will relinquish the lock)?

The pq-prevent-deadlock.go script seeds the might_deadlock table and then kicks off two simultaneous goroutines to intentionally cause deadlock. The places in the script relevant to the discussion are the usage of lock_timeout in the mostly hardcoded connection string (more on this later):

func createPool(ctx context.Context, cfg *Config) (*sql.DB, error) {
    dsnTemplate := "postgres://superuser:testpassword_superuser@localhost:28007/superuser_db?lock_timeout=%s&sslmode=disable"
    dsn := fmt.Sprintf(dsnTemplate, cfg.LockTimeout)
    pool, err := sql.Open("postgres", dsn)
    // ...

and the creation of a Go context that sets a deadline based on the context timeout2:

deadline := time.Now().Add(cfg.ContextTimeout)
ctx, cancel := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), deadline)
defer cancel()

The deadlock itself happens in the function kicked off in the goroutines:

func contendReads(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup, tx *sql.Tx, key1, key2 string, cfg *Config) error {
    defer wg.Done()

    updateRows := "UPDATE might_deadlock SET counter = counter + 1 WHERE key = $1;"
    _, err := tx.ExecContext(ctx, updateRows, key1)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
    _, err = tx.ExecContext(ctx, updateRows, key2)
    return err


Via lock_timeout

By setting lock_timeout to 10 milliseconds, much shorter than the 200 millisecond sleep between statements, we can induce error 55P03: lock_not_available directly from postgres:

$ LOCK_TIMEOUT=10ms CONTEXT_TIMEOUT=600ms go run ./pq-prevent-deadlock.go
0.039350 Starting transactions
0.059424 Transactions opened
0.286993 Error(s):
0.287104 - &pq.Error{Severity:"ERROR", Code:"55P03", Message:"canceling statement due to lock timeout", Detail:"", Hint:"", Position:"", InternalPosition:"", InternalQuery:"", Where:"while updating tuple (0,1) in relation \"might_deadlock\"", Schema:"", Table:"", Column:"", DataTypeName:"", Constraint:"", File:"postgres.c", Line:"2989", Routine:"ProcessInterrupts"}
0.287119 - &pq.Error{Severity:"ERROR", Code:"55P03", Message:"canceling statement due to lock timeout", Detail:"", Hint:"", Position:"", InternalPosition:"", InternalQuery:"", Where:"while updating tuple (0,2) in relation \"might_deadlock\"", Schema:"", Table:"", Column:"", DataTypeName:"", Constraint:"", File:"postgres.c", Line:"2989", Routine:"ProcessInterrupts"}

This shows that (A) putting lock_timeout in the connection string used by Go actually sets a timeout and (B) the database engine does the work of canceling statements and providing a useful error to the client.

Force a Deadlock

By setting lock_timeout and the context timeout to 10 seconds, we can leave postgres on its own to suffer with (and detect) the deadlock. After less than two seconds the deadlock is detected and error 40P01: deadlock_detected is returned:

$ LOCK_TIMEOUT=10s CONTEXT_TIMEOUT=10s go run ./pq-prevent-deadlock.go
0.043090 Starting transactions
0.058350 Transactions opened
1.276383 Error(s):
1.276474 - &pq.Error{Severity:"ERROR", Code:"40P01", Message:"deadlock detected", Detail:"Process 2385 waits for ShareLock on transaction 624; blocked by process 2384.\nProcess 2384 waits for ShareLock on transaction 625; blocked by process 2385.", Hint:"See server log for query details.", Position:"", InternalPosition:"", InternalQuery:"", Where:"while updating tuple (0,1) in relation \"might_deadlock\"", Schema:"", Table:"", Column:"", DataTypeName:"", Constraint:"", File:"deadlock.c", Line:"1140", Routine:"DeadLockReport"}

Go context Cancelation In Between Queries in a Transaction

By setting the context timeout to 100 milliseconds (half the length of the sleep between statements), the transaction will be canceled during the sleep which means the next statement will not even attempt to communicate with postgres:

$ LOCK_TIMEOUT=10s CONTEXT_TIMEOUT=100ms go run ./pq-prevent-deadlock.go
0.049146 Starting transactions
0.060474 Transactions opened
0.268488 Error(s):
0.268542 - context.deadlineExceededError{}
0.268547 - context.deadlineExceededError{}

Cancel "Stuck" Deadlock via Go context Cancelation

Setting the context timeout to 600 milliseconds is long enough that the sleep between statements completes but not so long that postgres detects the deadlock. In this case a 57014: query_canceled is returned:

$ LOCK_TIMEOUT=10s CONTEXT_TIMEOUT=600ms go run ./pq-prevent-deadlock.go
0.037892 Starting transactions
0.048328 Transactions opened
0.610551 Error(s):
0.610640 - &pq.Error{Severity:"ERROR", Code:"57014", Message:"canceling statement due to user request", Detail:"", Hint:"", Position:"", InternalPosition:"", InternalQuery:"", Where:"while updating tuple (0,1) in relation \"might_deadlock\"", Schema:"", Table:"", Column:"", DataTypeName:"", Constraint:"", File:"postgres.c", Line:"3026", Routine:"ProcessInterrupts"}
0.610663 - &pq.Error{Severity:"ERROR", Code:"57014", Message:"canceling statement due to user request", Detail:"", Hint:"", Position:"", InternalPosition:"", InternalQuery:"", Where:"while updating tuple (0,2) in relation \"might_deadlock\"", Schema:"", Table:"", Column:"", DataTypeName:"", Constraint:"", File:"postgres.c", Line:"3026", Routine:"ProcessInterrupts"}

This is somewhat of a pleasant surprise because the in-flight statement:

time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
_, err = tx.ExecContext(ctx, updateRows, key2)

might very well be expected to block indefinitely. Instead, an event loop in detects the context cancelation and manages to communicate the canceled query to postgres as well.

lock_timeout in the DSN

Though lock_timeout is directly supported in the connection string in, it's explicitly not supported in psql / libpq:

$ psql "postgres://superuser:testpassword_superuser@localhost:28007/superuser_db?lock_timeout=10ms&sslmode=disable"
psql: error: could not connect to server: invalid URI query parameter: "lock_timeout"

Instead parses all query parameters when reading a DSN and then passes all non-driver settings through as key-value pairs when forming a startup packet. There are 133 designated driver settings supported by host, port, ..., etc.

What's the psql Equivalent?

From the Start-up section of the documentation for "Frontend/Backend Protocol > Message Flow", we see

To begin a session, a frontend opens a connection to the server and sends a startup message ... (Optionally, the startup message can include additional settings for run-time parameters.)

Using PGOPTIONS="-c {key}={value}" with psql enables setting named run-time parameters4:

$ PGOPTIONS="-c lock_timeout=10ms" psql "postgres://superuser:testpassword_superuser@localhost:28007/superuser_db?connect_timeout=5&sslmode=disable"
superuser_db=# SHOW lock_timeout;
(1 row)

superuser_db=# \q
  1. Take note of the connection parameters
  2. It's crucial that we pass this context in to every database method that has a Context-accepting variant
  3. Though 13 are supported by, there are 29 postgres parameter keywords
  4. It's also worth noting that is PGOPTIONS-aware
