Bossy Lobster

A blog by Danny Hermes; musing on tech, mathematics, etc.

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Custom GitHub Actions

The "obvious" way to write a custom GitHub Action is using Node.js, however it's not the only way. As it turns out, a GitHub Action really just communicates with the "orchestrator" via environment variables (as inputs) and STDOUT (to produce custom outputs).


When defining an action, there are (as of this writing) three ways to determine how it gets invoked

  using: node12
  main: index.js
# OR
  using: docker
  main: Dockerfile
# OR
  using: composite
  - run: ${{ github.action_path }}/
    shell: bash

I was hoping to lean on some mature Go tooling to write an action in Go, so that ruled out using: node12. Additionally, by having a custom Dockerfile, we would force all users of an action to wait through docker build on every invocation of the action. This left using: composite as the early leader.

When running with using: composite, I found that my executed just fine, but there were two problems that made it not an option1:

  • None of the INPUT_* environment variables were passed in to my script
  • My STDOUT was not being interpreted and used
  • The ACTIONS_RUNTIME_TOKEN and ACTIONS_RUNTIME_URL environment variables were absent

A Path Forward

In order to invoke my shell script as if it were using: node12, I introduced the following shim

const childProcess = require("child_process");
const process = require("process");

function main() {
  const mainScript = `${__dirname}/`;
  const spawnSyncReturns = childProcess.spawnSync(mainScript, {
    stdio: "inherit",
  const status = spawnSyncReturns.status;
  if (typeof status === "number") {

if (require.main === module) {

and just specified

  using: node12
  main: index.js

Here can be replaced with any binary, so long as it can run on the current system2. For example, a Go static binary targeting Linux would likely work.

GitHub Actions Inputs and Outputs

One of the official ways to implement a GitHub action is the @actions/core package on the npm public registry. However, each method provided there really wraps primitives that interact with environment variables or STDOUT and it is these primitives that would enable writing an action in Go, Python or any other language of our choosing.

For each function provided by @actions/core3, see below the equivalent low-level / non-JavaScript equivalent.

core.exportVariable(name: string, val: any): void

This appends to the file at the location specified by the ${GITHUB_ENV} environment variable. For example if we want to set the environment variable NEWLY=ADDED the following three lines would be appended:


Note: In cases where a name has a "protected" character like : in it, the character will be replaced by %3A or the URL / percent encoded equivalent. (This means also that % must be encoded as %25.)

core.setSecret(secret: string): void

This writes a line to STDOUT of the form:


core.addPath(inputPath: string): void

This appends to the file at the location specified by the ${GITHUB_PATH} environment variable. This just appends a line with the path to be added.

core.getInput(name: string, options?: InputOptions): string

This reads from the ${INPUT_[allcaps(name)]} environment variable and then trims any whitespace via String.prototype.trim. For example if name is 'k' then we look in ${INPUT_K}. The literal transformation to name is

`INPUT_${name.replace(/ /g, "_").toUpperCase()}`;

core.setOutput(name: string, value: any): void

Print to STDOUT, e.g. ::set-output name=${name}::${value}"

core.setCommandEcho(enabled: boolean): void

This prints either ::echo::on or ::echo::off to STDOUT

core.setFailed(message: string | Error): void

The message is printed to STDOUT, e.g. if the error message is "Cannot find widget" then we would print

::error::Cannot find widget

to STDOUT and the process exits with 1

core.isDebug(): boolean

Checks if the ${RUNNER_DEBUG} environment variable is set to 1

core.debug(message: string): void

Prints ::debug::${message} to STDOUT

core.error(message: string | Error): void

Prints ::error::${message} to STDOUT

core.warning(message: string | Error): void

Prints ::warning::${message} to STDOUT string): void

Prints ${message} to STDOUT

core.startGroup(name: string): void

Prints ::group::${name} to STDOUT

core.endGroup(): void

Prints ::endgroup:: to STDOUT<T>(name: string, fn: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T>

Starts and ends a group and then allows fn to modify STDOUT in between. For example if fn were to print out ::warning::Slow build then that given invocation of'FYI', fn) would produce

::warning::Slow build

core.saveState(name: string, value: any): void

Prints a line to STDOUT containing the name and a JSON-serialized (without newlines) version of value. For example, invoking via

core.saveState("config-map", { a: "b\nc", d: 2.718281828459045 });

should produce

::save-state name=config-map::{"a":"b\nc","d":2.718281828459045}

core.getState(name: string): string

Reads from the STATE_${name} environment variable and returns the empty string in the absence. Note that no JSON deserialization is attempted.

Also note that unlike for the INPUT_ environment variable in core.getInput(), there is no sanitization applied to name.


Another possible option (that has not yet been explored) would be to use

  using: docker
  image: docker://alpine:3.13.2

Though it would require some testing to see

  • which environment variables are present from within the container
  • which files / directories (if any) from the action are mounted in the container
  • how the status code from the container propagates as part of the action
  • if STDOUT / STDERR in the container are treated the same way as using: node12 would be
  1. Both of these issues may just be a symptom of the version of GitHub Enterprise we are running, so we can likely revisit
  2. This requires knowing the architecture and possibly which packages are already installed on the machine. I.e. easier said than done.
  3. This is as of version 1.2.6.
